in Monteroni-di-Lecce

In Monteroni-di-Lecce, in the region of Apulia.
50 km from Brindisi airport.
8 km from Lecce.
23 km from the sea.
Land/park/garden area : | 3 ha |
Main building surface area : | 1500 m² |
Construction period : | 19ème S. |
Number of levels : | 2 |
Our opinion
A fragrance of mystery and flowers in the little town of Monteroni-di-Lecce. Three hectares of dense vegetation keep a watch over this elegant, 19th century villa, the facades of which are attractively adorned with colourful climbers. Once over the threshold, a journey through time begins with a succession of vast rooms featuring richly decorated ceilings. This property is an outstanding subject for renovation, for taking advantage of a pleasant way of life or for a tourist project. This address is but a few kilometres from the baroque gems to be found in Lecce, the “Florence of the Apulia region”.
Reference 834888
Exclusive sale
1 195 000 €
More information
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NB: The above information is not only the result of our visit to the property; it is also based on information provided by the current owner. It is by no means comprehensive or strictly accurate especially where surface areas and construction dates are concerned. We cannot, therefore, be held liable for any misrepresentation.